Short Prayers For Good Luck
Luck can be defined as something subjective, since there are people who do not believe in it, while for others it is everything. Whatever the case, it should not be ruled out that “luck” can be seen in many scenarios. There is a prayer for luck in everything we do in life, a prayer that will help us to have that impulse that we often need. If you want to know more about it, continue reading this article. Are you one of those people who believe in luck? Do yearn to fill your life and experiences with more luck than can ever be? If so, then here is one of the short prayers for good luck that you can say to improve your luck.
Short prayers for good luck and wealth
“Wealth, Goddess of supply, from the fortune of God in heaven, liberate all the jewels of the Sun and now grants to all those, who make their hearts beat with divine light, the power to attract abundance from the kingdom of heaven. String our consciousness with you, extend the vision so that we can all now see that abundance is possible from the hand of our creator, so that in the same way as above, below, Divine Love can also be expressed. Amen”
For any of these short prayers for good luck to work, you must first create an environment in your home to cleanse the energies. Light a white candle high up in the house and burn rosemary, basil, or thyme leaf.
What can these short prayers for good luck do for me?
As its name suggests, this prayer can help us in different scenarios of our lives, such as: Sports and games Although many people think that games and prayer are not things that go hand in hand, when we talk about โsportsโ, luck here does play a fundamental role and for this there is this prayer that gives us luck in everything we do. Before you go to play a sports game, be it baseball, soccer, volleyball, among others, you can enhance the prayer so that you can see how much better you will do in your performance.
Get lucky in money using a prayer for money luck
With short prayers for good luck, you can also get help with your income, find a good job, buy the house you have always wanted, buy a car and more. You just have to cheer with a lot of faith and you will see how everything will come to you much easier.
Get lucky in exams through prayer
Short prayers for good luck in everything will also help you in your academic environment. If you have failed to study well on an important exam, make this supplication so that you can see the great results that will flourish.
Prayers for good luck at work
If you have problems in your work, this prayer will help you get out of each one of them. It could even help you get that promotion that you have longed for so much for years to be able to have a quiet life. I want to explain to you that many times bad luck comes from ill-intentioned people who by sending, or simply by taking revenge, or by the slightest resentment that that person may have towards you, destroys your life by sending you some black magic. I would like you to see this article where I explain the symptoms of when you have been a victim of evil. Contact me if you would like to know more about my short prayers for good luck.