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The most effective spell to neutralize a negative person

Our lives can be adversely affected by the influence of other people. A malicious boss, a possessive mother-in-law, an envious friend … They can turn our life and our relationship into an ordeal. Today I will explain how to make a spell to neutralize a negative person. The first thing to know is that a negative person can affect your vital energy even without knowing it. You do not need to do any kind of black magic spell. In fact, the evil eye basically consists of that. That is why it is fundamental to know a spell to neutralize a person who can do us harm.

Usually, they are people close to us, from our circle

That person can be a family member, friend or co-worker. You do not need them to move from your life. It’s enough that they stop hurting you. With this spell to neutralize a person, you will get him to stop exercising his influence on you. Before performing the spell to neutralize a person, it is always advisable to start with a tarot reading. Tarot reading will show me how much influence that person has on your life. That way I can recommend the most appropriate spell for your case. But there are several steps that are common to all.

The first thing I always recommend is to do an aura cleansing

That way you will eliminate all trace of that person’s influence on you. Cleanliness is helpful but it is not a definitive solution because that person will continue to try to harm you, but at least that energy will not accumulate in you. As a rule, it is often helpful to perform a spell of estrangement. Through this spell you will get that person to lose interest in you. He or she will still remain a toxic person, but will not overload with that negative.

 The spell to neutralize a negative person can be enhanced by a sweetening

If the person is very close and has very close ties with you or your partner, such as a mother-in-law, a sister-in-law or a lifelong friend, it is very possible that the estrangement will not completely break his or her interest in you. In such cases, I recommend making a version of the enhanced sweetening spell from that person to your link, so that the interest he or she maintains is positive and stops generating problems.

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