3 Powerful Homemade Love Spells For Your Marriage

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spells for marriage commitment for long lasting love

Sometimes married couples or people who have lived together for many years have little problems of love. This spells for marriage commitment is special for this type of couples and those that have problems that are never escalating. To make this love spell, you will need a garment of yours and another of your partner. You also need two red candles and a red ribbon. You will also need to have devotion and faith in the magical work.

This spells for marriage commitment is done in this way.

You grab the two garments and the ones with the red ribbon, then add to each a little perfume of your partner and a little of yours. Now you have to write your name with a needle in one of the candles, in the other write the name of your partner. Then in front of the garments you have to light the candles with a wooden match saying these words:

“I light the flame of love and it will last forever. (Your name) and (your name) we will remain together under the flame of love in our home.”

Once the candles have been consumed you have to bury those garments in a garden. This love spell is very effective if performed on a full moon Friday.


This spells for marriage commitment is an example of how to use energy and concentration to achieve what you want. The first thing you have to do is concentrate and write in a diary your wish, but in a present form. That is, if you want to sleep every night with your beloved you have to write: “Tonight I sleep with (name of person) the love of my life”.

If you have a photo of him, add it to the journal so that it has more force. The feeling that is next to you will make the love spell much more effective. At night you have to light a white candle with a wooden match. The white candle symbolizes the purity of your desire and makes the spells for marriage commitment more effective.

When you go to sleep you have to concentrate on your desire, keep it in mind as in the diary you are writing. Before going to bed, every night, you have to repeat aloud:

“Something wonderful is happening to me. My wishes come true.”


The most commonly used spells for marriage commitment are those used to attract the loved one. This type of love spell can be very simple and effective if you know how to do it. The concentration at the time of the spell is fundamental. The spell that I will explain below is quite easy and you will only need a glass of water, a sheet of red paper and a little cinnamon.

In the red paper you have to write with a pencil your name and the name of your beloved. Then round with six circles made with the pencil and a seventh circle made with your lipstick. Now you have to fold the paper three times. All this ritual you have to do with a lot of concentration and thinking about your loved one. Now the folded paper you insert into the glass of water. With the paper inside the glass of water you have to add a little cinnamon three times while saying:

“(Name of your beloved) with this spell I make you mine just as you make me yours.”

Once you have done the ritual you have to place the glass of water under the bed for three nights in a row. In a few days you will receive news of your loved one and will contact you voluntarily.

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