Spirit Guides and Why You should get one – 6 Reasons

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Spirit Guides and Why You should get one – 6 Reasons

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of questions about life and the universe. But one question that may not get asked as much is, “Who are my spirit guides?” Many people believe that their spirit guides are God or the Universe itself. But what are your spirit guides? And how can you connect with them? Today, we’re going to dive into all things spirit guides and answer those questions for you!

What Are Spirit Guides?

A spirit guide is a person that has been sent to guide you through life. They act as a support system and help keep you grounded during the highs and the lows. Each one of us has a spirit guide that is with us at all times, but we might not notice their presence until something happens in our lives and we reach out to them for help and support. Sometimes our guides will help us out of bad situations and sometimes they will send us into a situation to help us learn and grow as a person. Your guides can be your loved ones that have passed away or have crossed over into the light. They can also be other souls that may have come before you on earth. I like to think of my guides as guardian angels because they help me navigate through my life on a daily basis and they are always looking out for me and protecting me from harm.

How Do I Connect with My Spirit Guides?

As human beings, we are made up of both physical and spiritual energy. Our bodies are made up of the physical energy and our souls are comprised of spiritual energy. When we die we leave behind our bodies and return to our spiritual essence where the spiritual guides wait for us to come and rejoin with them. In order to connect with your guides you must learn to balance your energies and centre yourself. First, you will need to call upon them by making an intention to do so or using spells and then let them know that you are open to communicating with them. Once you are in communication with your guides you will be able to ask any questions you may have about your life or any issue you may be facing and they will help you work out the answers. Through communicating with your spirit guides you will be connecting with a powerful source of wisdom and knowledge that will help you on your life journey.

How Can You Tell if You Have a Spirit Guide?

People tend to sense the presence of their guides in a number of ways. Some people might feel a physical sensation like tingles or chills running down their spine while others may experience a surge of energy running through their body or hearing a voice in their ear or a sensation of light washing over them. Some may even encounter small white orbs floating around the room that they believe are spirits trying to get their attention. All of these occurrences are signs that your guides are present and are trying to communicate with you. Once you begin to notice these signs make an effort to make contact and they will begin to communicate with you on a regular basis.

Tips for Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

One of the best ways to connect with your spirit guides is by creating a sacred space for yourself where you can retreat when you are feeling stressed or anxious. Creating a space like this will give you a place where you can go when you want to relax and reconnect with your guides and use their wisdom to help you through any situation. You should also make a conscious effort to keep your thoughts and feelings positive so that you can easily connect with your guides. Pay attention to your thoughts and try to replace them with ones that are more positive and productive. Try to imagine yourself standing in the centre of a large circle with a doorway carved into it. When you go through the doorway you will find yourself in a large chamber where there are many glowing beings of light all gathered around a table at the centre. Each of these beings is a spirit guide who is there to help you on your journey through life. As you approach the table each guide will rise from the table and come forward to speak with you. The guides will only speak when you are ready for them to do so. Once you have finished speaking with all of the guides they will return to the centre of the room and the circle will close behind you. When you return to your own reality it will be as if no time had passed at all and you will feel as though you have been in the spirit world the whole time. Use this technique daily to ensure that you maintain a strong connection to your guides and are able to use their wisdom to guide you in all that you do.

A Spirit Guide is a gentle, loving being who has taken human form in order to help people on their spiritual journey. They are here to assist us on our path and help us to find answers to any difficulties we may encounter along the way. They do not always tell us what we want to hear, but rather give us the truth as they perceive it so that we can learn and grow from it. The ultimate goal of a spirit guide is to help us to realize that we have the power within ourselves to create the life that we want and that we do not need to rely on anyone else in order to be happy. Our spirit guides help us to do this by reminding us that we are the creator of our own reality and showing us how to access this power so that we can manifest our dreams into reality. In order to do this we must release our fear and self-doubt and have faith in ourselves and our ability to manifest anything that we desire. All is well!

Your guides know all about you – past, present and future and will also tell you how to control what you perceive from the outside world. “There are many things you see in your world that are symbolic or lessons for your learning. Try not to get caught up in the details but focus on the message instead.” There is no need to worry for you are not alone…we are all around you. We are here to help in any way we can, all you have to do is ask. We simply ask that you seek us out and listen to our advice. Remember, we are here for you!

6 Reasons Why one needs a Spirit Guide

There are different types of spirits but they are mostly known as guardian angels because they are assigned to protect humans against demonic forces and negative energies. Humans also interact with their soul guides and animal spirits which are all classified as energy beings who work as a guide to help individuals through their journey of life. It is important to develop a clear connection with your spirit guide in order to ensure your safety and balance in life and here are 6 reasons why you need a spirit guide:

  1. Life is full of challenges and it is important for us to have a friend to talk to and encourage us to keep going even when things are hard. A spirit guide is there for us when we need someone to talk to and they will always be there to give us encouragement when we need it most. They are always there for us when we need them the most and we are never alone as long as we have them by our side.
  2. When we decide to make a change in our lives it can be difficult because we must first transform our inner self before we can make any physical changes on the outside. Our spirit guide will help us through this transformation process and will give us the guidance that we need to make the necessary changes in our life. They will help us break old habits and create new ones that will make us stronger and a better person.
  3. Sometimes we tend to ignore the warning signs that guide us in life. This causes us to make mistakes which ultimately leads to more problems in the future. Our spirit guide is our spiritual conscience and will warn us when we are making bad decisions that could potentially lead us down the wrong path. It is our responsibility to listen to their warnings and make necessary changes so that we can avoid making the same mistakes again.
  4. Having a spirit guide will help to keep us on the right path in life. They can protect us from negative energy and the negative influences of other people which will keep us safe from harm and prevent us from making poor decisions. Our guide will always guide us in the right direction and help us to make better choices that will benefit us in the long run.
  5. Many people find themselves questioning their existence in this world which is caused by anxiety and feelings of being out of place. We feel this way because we are disconnected from our true purpose in life and we do not know what our purpose is here on Earth. Having a strong connection with our guide will help us find our soul purpose and fill us with happiness. We will know that we are doing what we were meant to do and we will no longer feel lost or confused.
  6. When we have feelings of hopelessness and despair, it can be difficult to see things in a positive way. We need to find a positive focus in order to turn our situation around. Our guide will help us to focus on the positive aspects of our life that will help us to recover from our difficulties and move on with our lives. They will show us the things that we need to avoid doing in order to get us back on track. They will encourage us to keep a positive outlook no matter what obstacles we are facing and they will give us the strength that we need to overcome them.

Connecting with your Spirit Guides through Spell Casting

Your soul exists separate from the physical body. This is your spirit body. When you are born, your soul enters the body and you exist in a physical form. However, your soul is not tied down to a specific location in the world; it is capable of visiting different locations at different times. The connection between you and your soul is very strong and it allows you to easily communicate with one another. In order for you to communicate with your soul, you will need to learn how to connect with it. There are many different ways that you can do this but one of the simplest ways is through spell casting. Spell casting can be used to connect you with your guides and allow them to help guide you in your life. However, there are many different spells that you can use to connect with your guides and choosing which one to use can be difficult. This is why it is important to consider different factors before choosing a spell to cast. You will want to choose a spell that fits your personality and will help you to connect to your spirit guides in a meaningful way. Here are some factors that you will want to consider when choosing the spell that you cast to help you connect with your spirit guides:

  1. What you want out of the connection – it is important for you to be clear on what you want to get out of the connection before you begin casting the spell. This will help you to choose a spell that will help you to achieve this goal.
  2. The appearance of the spirit guides – there are many different appearances that spirit guides can take so it is important for you to choose one that fits the description of the spirit guides that you currently have a relationship with. This will give you a sense of familiarity when you are communicating with them and will make it easier for them to communicate with you as well.
  3. What is important to them – it is important that any spells that you use to connect to the spirit guides be things that they find important as well. This will ensure that you have a strong connection with them and that they can help you get the things you want out of life.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to spell casting is that you should not attempt to cast any spells unless you know what it is that you are trying to accomplish with this powerful form of communication. This will make it easier for you to get the most out of your spells and ensure that you are getting the results that you want from the process.

There are many different ways that you can communicate with your guides and the best way to do this is through a magickal connection. If you are not well-versed in magickal connections, it can be helpful to work with a practitioner who can help you connect with your guides effectively. Your practitioner will be able to answer any questions that you may have about this process and help you to select a spell that will work well with your personal situation. Choosing the right spell can help you to have a strong connection with the spirit guides that you need in your life. Choose Dr. Nana to help you. Use the contact form below to reach out and schedule your appointment today!

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