Symptoms Of Witchcraft And Illnesses Caused By Witchcraft


Symptoms Of Witchcraft And Illnesses Caused By Witchcraft

Symptoms of witchcraft on the body. What are the symptoms of witchcraft? The symptoms of witchcraft in the body are the most common and when we talk about witchcraft, we can say that it is considered or referred to by many of my colleagues as black magic, since these are spells used to intentionally harm someone. Witchcraft is a kind of magical work that requires a lot of effort and is usually done with an occult book. Black magic is used to make someone sick, destroy someone’s life or make the said person never be happy and even if you don’t believe it, black magic or witchcraft is also used to kill someone. Many of the symptoms of witchcraft are insomnia, sexual problems, and headaches or body aches.

Difference between black magic and white magic

The difference between black and white magic is that white magic is used to generate good or good benefit without harming others. Generally white magic is used to cleanse negative energies, do love rituals that intensify love as a couple, conquer your partner more among others. However, black magic is known or used to harm another person; either to kill her or destroy her life in such a way that she will never be happy again. However, many of the people who come to me, in search of the use of black magic, do not know that it has certain repercussions and it is that everything bad that you do sooner or later is returned. So, as you study these symptoms of witchcraft, know that they emanate from the effect of black magic.

Black magic produces symptoms of witchcraft in the body, which can vary depending on the witchcraft that the person has.

What are the symptoms of witchcraft? Headache is one of the most common symptoms. The headache usually always occurs in the afternoon at the same time. If you usually have a constant stomach ache and you already went to the doctor and he does not give you any explanation, it is time to think that something else is happening. In addition, another of the symptoms is lack of concentration. It is usually difficult to concentrate on a specific objective for a long period of time. Witchcraft or black magic causes the person to always be tired or exhausted, even if they sleep the necessary hours. Constant and unexplained bad mood is another symptom that requires attention. Sexual problems are one of the most relevant witchcraft symptoms of black magic and this creates conflicts in the couple, when this is the case, it is most possible that the witchcraft or spell used is to separate the union or commitment that exists in a relationship. Another of the symptoms of witchcraft is that if everything is wrong and only negative things constantly come into your life, you should analyze what is really happening and seek help, before it is too late.

How do I check for the existence of witchcraft in my life?

This advice is very simple since all you need is a glass of water and an egg. You will only have to pass the egg all over your body from head to toe and then break it and pour it into the glass of water. If the glass It presents bubbles this means that they have made put witchcraft on you. But if the yolk goes to the bottom of the water and the clear one remains on the surface, it means that you do not have any black magic spell on you. If it is difficult for you to look at this result, you can consult me calmly since when there is witchcraft the devil is in charge of confusing you. I am capable enough to cure you of any witchcraft, evil eye, curse, black manifestation, voodoo etc. Now that you have learnt about these symptoms of witchcraft, please feel free to contact me for attention.

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