Imposters claiming to be Dr. Nana – Beware

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Sites and dubious spells casters claiming to be (Dr. Nana)

Recently, I have been receiving a lot of complaints from spells seekers that there are sites and spells casters (dubious of course) out there claiming that they are Dr. Nana.

May I make it clear that those sites which I will list here have nothing to do with Dr. Nana…

They are fraudulent sites/persons that you must steer clear from. They commit fraud in the name of Dr. Nana.

List of such imposter sites are here.

I have included screenshots of the sites.

Imposter #1 – Dr. ASA of is NOT Dr. NANA

This so-called spells caster copies every single information including the look of his website from my site and even lies to genuine people in need that he’s Dr. Nana. I have included screen shots herein to rid him of his bad behavior.

This imposter Dr. Asa is not the true Dr. Nana. Run away from this imposter when you come across his site. I have seen numerous complaints from clients that liken my site to his–that’s because he copies everything from my site.

Imposter #2 is still Dr. Asa claiming to be Dr. Nana

This same Dr. Asa as reported on ripoff report is still the same imposter claiming to be Dr. Nana.

Read the Ripoff report on this link.

Dr. ASA of is an imposter. He is NOT Dr. Nana

Dr. Nana’s OFFICIAL web address is

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