Voodoo Chips By Chrissy Teigen: A Brainchild Of Voodoo Magic


Voodoo Chips By Chrissy Teigen: A Brainchild Of Voodoo Magic

Did you know that voodoo magic can sharpen your intellect, intuition and business acumen? Well, if you didn’t; then let me tell you: the concept Chrissy Teigen’s voodoo chips came after she had cast a voodoo business success spell. Soon after doing so, she wrote a book called Cravings and it sold over 276,326 copies. The several reviews that her book attracted praised her for being realistic, informative and witty. She became so intellectually sharp that you could see it all in her recipes.

These voodoo chips are branded Zaps

If you didn’t know, Zaps voodoo chips is a brand based in Louisiana. There are many customers already buying it and what they like about it is the spicy, smoky and vinegary flavor that it has. All those years, the brand manager had been thinking of how she could become successful in the chips business in Louisiana and it was after her workmate told her that she needed to visit a voodoo priest in order to become successful. Indeed, when she did so, the voodoo business spell she cast made her successful in this business – bringing forth the voodoo chips she sells today.

Chrissy Teigen’s invention is a darling of many

By the time this post was written, her tweet about the Zaps voodoo chips had been like by over 14,000 followers worldwide and more than 1,095 Tweeter subscribers had re-tweeted it. If we are to judge based on the number of comments, everyone seems to have fallen head-over-heels with this voodoo chips. Some of the followers also said that the chips were so delicious that they wanted more and more of it.

Voodoo can make you successful in business and there is no doubt about that

If you are a man or woman with a business plan in the shelves, it is time you gave the magic of voodoo a try in trying to effect it. Many users of voodoo are happy because they have discovered that by giving their lives and placing their destinies in the hands of god; many good things can come into their lives. Contact me for help on how to become successful using magic. you too will succeed like Chrissy Teigen and her Zaps voodoo chips.

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