Voodoo Religion: What You Had Never Known About Voodoo


Voodoo Religion: What You Had Never Known About Voodoo

If this is the first time you are coming into contact with the topic of โ€œvoodoo religionโ€, then I am going to request you to concentrate on your reading. Many believe that voodoo practitioners (voodooists) have esoteric knowledge and healing or evil powers. But, is that true? On the other hand; there are those who have only been bent towards paining a negative picture of the voodoo religion. They say it is evil, bad and manipulative. Today, we shall unravel the whole reality and truth about the voodoo religion.

We shall start with how voodoo spread into the whole world

On the sidelines, the history of voodoo begins with its appearance in America in 1700. It was imported into the continent by African blacks who found their way into the Americas during the era of slave trade and slavery. Very soon, New Orleans became famous for the voodoo cult. There were no laws against it. In 1885, the American newspaper “Daily Crescent” published an interview with a priestess and her followers, which read as follows: “voodoo religion is not only for the blacks, but for white women as well. Some of them, young and beautiful, belong to this institution “. It was the first indication of the expansion of this religion among a large number of people. Today more than a third of the voodooists in the whole world are white.

It is also possible to buy voodoo accessories in many shops across the world

One more evident picture of the voodoo religion is that it has transformed itself into a great business as well. There are esoteric shops from where you can buy powders, herbs, incenses, candles and a large number of objects related to its practice. In the United States, there are black neighborhoods with shops and stores that sell voodoo products. On South Rampart Street, in New Orleans, it is possible to purchase these products, in addition to hiring the services of a โ€œDyokโ€, through street vendors. In Spain you can buy them in the bazaars of sorcerers.

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