What Is Voodoo? Who Practices It?

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What Is Voodoo? Who Practices It?

What is voodoo? For thousands of years, voodoo is one those spiritual practices that has been greatly misunderstood. Many people believe that voodoo is all about witchcraft and magical exercises using dolls – a total misrepresentation of the religion. Today, I am going to talk about some facts that are related to the power of voodoo – the ones that are unknown to those who do not subscribe to this form of spirituality.

To begin with, voodoo combines two practices:

What is voodoo? It is a mixture of traditional religion with spiritism and animism. It is one of the identifying marks of indigenous Africans in the Diaspora. There are two interrelated worlds that make up the religion of voodoo – the invisible and the visible. We all go to the invisible world after death. It is in the invisible world that our ancestors serve as our protectors and guides. Practitioners of voodoo also communicate with the LOA spirits in the invisible world, also sometimes called the LWA. They do this through drum and dance ceremonies, animal sacrifice and prayer. They seek advice from the spirits, connect with them at the spiritual level and learn from their experiences.

Where is voodoo practiced?

Those who have often asked questions like “what is voodoo” have also been interested in knowing where voodoo is practiced. Well, let me tell you. The practice of voodoo is more deeply rooted in West Africa, Louisiana, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil and Cuba. These are countries that are dominated by black Africans and the colored. Practitioners of voodoo in these places perform rituals for healing and doing good to other people; which are tenets that are core in the religion. In the past, African slaves in the Americas derived strength from it as they endured fierce conditions after they had been captured and spread around the globe.

Although persecuted, voodoo has survived since time immemorial

You may ask: what is voodoo? But, I think you might also get interested in knowing how voodoo has survived thus far. In the past, voodoo practices were outlawed. In some countries, practitioners were burnt to death, their shrines were razed down and many of them were forced to convert into other different religions. However, as the call for freedom of worship rung in the entrails of history, many countries came with laws that protected voodoo worshipers. In Haiti, it was enacted in 1987. Today, you too can benefit from the practice of voodoo – obtain healing, attract love, bring luck into your life and remove obstacles in the path of your life. Do you want some voodoo? Contact me now.

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