What Makes Love Spells To Fail To Work. Do Love Spells Work?


What Makes Love Spells To Fail To Work. Do Love Spells Work?

Love spells have become a very popular topic both online and offline. While there is a section of people who claim they have used it and it works, there are those who still believe love spells are not real. They say it is scam and a creation of those who would like to rip off monies from the backs of stupid people. So, the question that we ask is: do love spell work? Can you make anyone love you through spiritual means? Maybe we should start with what science says as regards spells.

According to scientists, love is a chemical reaction

Do love spells work? Well, scientists have something different to say about it. Critics of love spells point out that love is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain. The human brain manages experiences through neuro-electric and neuro-chemical processes, including love. In fact, scientifically, the feeling of being in love is the means through which nature takes care that human beings continue to exist. Love is a mechanism developed by human beings to promote lasting relationships that allow couples to have enough stability to have children and guarantee their safety (Jim Al-Khalili, 2012). In reality, the chemical process of falling in love has little or nothing to do with magic. So, do love spells work?

Studies in the area have shown that 55% of the love process depends on people’s body language.

Thus, 38% depends on the tone of voice and the speed with which it is spoken and 7% depends on what is said; And, first of all, this process depends on the hormones present in the human body. Helen Fisher, from Rutgers University (United States of America), points out that “love” is divided into three stages: lust, attraction and commitment. Lust is the stage in which the feeling of infatuation begins, which is generated by sex hormones, both male (testosterone) and female (estrogen). The attraction stage is when three neurotransmitters play a role: adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin.

Here is the detailed revelation of these neurotransmitters

Adrenaline is a hormone and a neurotransmitter secreted by the adrenal glands. This hormone can increase blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Due to the secretion of this neurotransmitter, people feel nervous and excited when they fall in love. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates desire and pleasure. This hormone is secreted during situations that are pleasurable; making people want to repeat these situations to be rewarded with the sensation of pleasure that dopamine produces. On the other hand, serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter which maintains balance in people’s mood; its secretion contributes to happiness while the deficit of this generates depression. So, do love spells work to attract love? Read on in order to discover.

The third stage of love is the stage of commitment.

It is when the bond that holds pairs together gets strengthened. Oxytocin is believed to be the main hormone involved in the third stage. Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. This hormone controls human behavior and, in the same way, influences the development of social relationships. In a similar way, oxytocin strengthens the bond that is created between the couple.

What scientists says about the steps of falling love

Do love spells work? Let us look at what researchers say about the stages of falling in love. Psychologists Arthur Arun of York and Robert Epstein, founder of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, point out that there are ways to love a person. Professor Arun proposes three steps to falling in love:

  • Finding a person, who can be love at first sight.
  • Telling secrets of your lives for half an hour.
  • Finally, looking into each other’s eyes without speaking for four minutes.

Professor Arun’s study found that most people were attracted to the newly discovered couple. Even two of his objects of study were married. For his part, Epstein proposes to stand at a distance of two meters from the person in question and approach a little every ten seconds until they are as close as possible without touching him.

However, the methods of these two doctors only worked on strangers

This quite different from the way love spells work because love spells usually work in cases when we would like to recover the love of another person. In conclusion, therefore, love spells are based on superstitious traditions and there is no evidence of their effectiveness. These episodes could be compared to placebos, which are ineffective treatments used in some experiments. Placebos have been proven to work in some cases, especially when the patient does not know that he is receiving a bogus treatment. Similarly, a love spell could give a person the confidence he needs. But, do love spells work?

All the above assertions do not actually prove that love spells donโ€™t work

In my site, you will find effective love spells. There are some free ones that you can cast on your own, while there are also those that require my professional hands. If you feel that your spirits or your energies are not in line to perform a spell, then you can count on me. If you were a victim of scam or a homemade Spell did not work for you as you expected or you probably don’t have the time or privacy to cast a love spell; I CAN HELP YOU. I am an expert in love spell casting. Do love spells work? Please feel free to contact me for your powerful spell that works fast.

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