White Magic Spells: What It Is and How To Use It

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White magic has been around for millenia across the world

Did you know white magic has been used for centuries by thousands of people throughout the planet. From the West to the East, magic has been present in the temples of ancient Rome, it has been used by the Greeks of ancient times, even in Pharaonic Egypt and Imperial China. White magic spells have been conjured up to be able to get money, health, love and luck, without hurting others. Or to counter the power of evil spells made against someone. All ancient cultures knew the power of amulets and talismans against the evil eye and other spells.

White magi spells “do not harm” – so they say!

Actually no magic is good or bad, what determines that category is the intention of invoking it.

To describe that intention of the one that practices the magic the colors are used. That is why white magic is the one used with good intention. Black magic, as you can imagine, is the one used to harm another person. Therefore white magic is one that seeks a profit or good intentions without harming anyone. But I must also say that remember what we already said – intentions determine whether it is good or bad.

It is a magic that seeks to make your wishes come true

It is also considered white witchcraft that is aimed to counteract the effects of black magic and combat it. If you seek to neutralize the power of an evil eye you will be doing white witchcraft. There are several ways to perform white magic, but then we’ll explain one of the most effective ways. It is not necessary to have great paraphernalia to make the spells. But there are three things that can help you to make your white witchcraft spells more effective and successful.

When making white magic, the timing of the spell is important

White magic is not complicated but you need some knowledge to get your spells working correctly. So knowing what the spell is and what day it is more advisable to execute it is as important as the spell itself. The days of full moon are usually more favourable days for the spells to be effective. But it depends on the intention of the spell, for example, love spells have more force if done on Friday, because this day is influenced by Venus and gives more power to the spell.

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