Black magic video describing how a spell is performed


Black magic video describing how a spell is performed

If you are suffering from unrequited love, or if you are experiencing a crisis in your relationship, count on the Powerful Works of a love spells caster. These works are carried out under absolute secrecy and with total dedication! Open your paths and receive advice from your guides with spiritual cleansing and treatments from your powerful spells caster. Receive guidance to overcome ills, disturbances, persecution, anxiety, insomnia, among other physical and spiritual ills. Love spells work and they have been used since antiquity.

Let me just prove to you by describing a black magic video that went viral on the internet recently.

In this video, a man floated in space while doing a black magic ritual. The viral Facebook video has shocked thousands of users to see the amazing powers of a man in ritual. In the clip, you can see a man bloom while performing a black magic ritual with a group of people in Africa.

In the viral video on Facebook, we can see a group of people who have gathered around what could be a “shaman”, who performs a ritual, invoking the spirits that inhabit the afterlife to grant him magic and thus be able to float in the air. Others are also seen dancing and invoking the presence of powerful gods.

This video has undoubtedly impacted thousands of users, since the clip seems real. “Those who say that it is False, the majority are children of 13 years … it shows that they do not know the culture of black magic in Africa … this is real and you can see it in several documentaries … there is also another one where They put a stone under a tent made of straw and it begins to move all over the place. This is real and it is not just any nonsense, it is not even a game, ”commented one of the users on Facebook.

It is worth mentioning that the viral video has already collected almost 21,000 views. The veracity of the man who floats in the air is in question, but it is not ruled out that black magic exists. A famous youtuber commented in a video that the shaman is held by a thin cable that is confused with the sky. Various users claim that there is no “cable” that can support the weight of the magician.

Black magic lyrics of black magic song

Here, I am going to present the black magic lyrics of a song that was sang by Romeo Santos featuring Mala Rodriguez. Here it goes:

You have something that hypnotizes
Black magic that spells me
You take me like a zombie
And I don’t care about your malice
You are the bad one that I want
The voodoo that you have made me
It has led me to an eclipse
Disorder my senses

You already got that
I’m yours completely
For you I forget about me
And I don’t try to pretend
No matter how hard I try, I can’t
Escape your spell
And I don’t even want to go out

Your black magic
The one that kills the one that burns
And lift me into your arms
When and how you want
You have the power of my system
Black magic
Very evil witchcraft of your love
Shamelessly malicious feelings
I love you and you love my pain

There is no day ‘a week
That I will not be willing
To leave any trade
If you offered me your sex
I go naked to your port
For you I forget about me
And I don’t try to pretend
No matter how hard I try, I can’t
Escape your spell
And I don’t want to go out anymore

Your black magic
The one that kills the one that burns
And lift me into your arms
When and how you want
You have the power of my system
Black magic
Very evil witchcraft of your love
Shamelessly malicious feelings
I love you and you love my pain

Your black magic
The one that kills the one that burns
And lift me into your arms
When and how you want
You have the power of my system
Black magic
Very evil witchcraft of your love
Shamelessly malicious feelings
I love you and you love my pain

Black Magic Game To Enjoy With Your Family Members

A little black magic at a party or with the family can always be enjoyed. Making people believe you can read minds is the main idea of this game. It is practically easy to do, it is amazing and everyone who plays will be able to enjoy it. You can make a big fuss out of it with the right skills, and people could go home believing you can really read minds.
Play with at least four people. There will have to be a “diviner” and a “giver“. You can introduce the game to the group, either by referring to how you can read minds or by asking if anyone knows how to play “black magic.” Ask the “diviner” to leave the room and have the group choose an object. That will be all you need to know right now.

Allow the “guesser” to uncover his eyes and begin to guess what the object is. Walk around the room pointing to objects. The “guesser” will repeat that the object is wrong. For example: “Is Henry’s shirt white?” “No”. “Are the curtains blue?”, “No”, and so on. Point to something black, that will be the trigger. The “guesser” will know that the next object is the correct one.

Point to an object the group has chosen. The diviner will affirm that this is the correct object. Confused by the success, the other members of the group will possibly ask you to do it again. They are probably trying to figure out the trick. If someone reveals they know the secret, take them to another room so they can share their guess with you without giving away what the secret is. If you are correct, you can become a “diviner”. Create the right atmosphere, with the room softly lit and having set the mood by playing with the fact that you can read minds.

Black magic movie that you must watch

If you are unable to picture what black magic looks like, the best you can do is to watch a black magic movie so that you can fully grasp the concept. Many of these movies present to you the fantasies in the world of magic. You may have heard of harry porter and his movies. If you have ever watched one, then you must be having a picture of what black magic looks like and how its powers can benefit the person seeking it.

What is the “beyond” like? Is there a higher being that influences people’s lives? Are there superhuman powers that do good or evil? They are unknowns that have encouraged the creation of cults and practices (some defenseless, others not so much) that seek answers that are not given by science or socially accepted religions.

Depending on the time and geographical location, it is sought in devotion to a superior being, in the stars, cards and magic, obtaining power, knowledge, wealth, communicating with the dead or supernatural beings and even tormenting other people. Of course, such practices (and their possible tragic consequences) have been a great source of inspiration for thousands of films, most notably (of course) horror movies.

But the imagination of the filmmakers is not limited to approaching the different edges of the occult from a fear perspective. Some have explored the funny side of something serious or scary. In this sense, the rituals, sorcery and mythology of various cultures around the world, come together to enrich the fantasy of movie arts in the Hollywood arenas.

One of the black magic movie I would like to recommend for you is ‘Häxan’ ( starring Benjamin Christensen, Sweden / Denmark, 1922). It is based on the fifteenth-century book titkled “Malleus Maleficarum”. Divided into four parts, it presents the representation of demons and witches in primitive and medieval culture, when there was great fear (especially on the part of religious) towards the supernatural, demonic temptations and the power of black magic. This movie is an extraordinary milestone in silent cinema.

How To Remove Black Magic And Its Effects

Black magic is very dangerous and very difficult to reverse. Discover the different ways there are to remove black magic, such as using amulets or salt baths and magic herbs.

Love spells with black magic are very useful to achieve those goals or ends that are unattainable but are so desired. First of all you should check if you have been cursed with black magic. However, it should be borne in mind that a stranger is not going to cast you a spell but that a person from your closest environment who does not have much appreciation for you, so act with caution. In addition, there are a wide variety of spells that have been able to charm you such as a love spell, a revenge spell or an unlucky one.

But how do you remove black magic? There are many options to reverse the effects of black magic, including removing strong black magic. The first of them is the use of amulets. Amulets are objects that you can carry with you. They have been bewitched and impregnated with powers that can offer protection from spells, removal of spells and getting rid of negative energies. These elements help weaken the effect of the spell so that it does not harm you. Among these amulets, the pentagram, the cross of Caravaca, the Turkish eye, the hand of Fatima or the eye of Horus stand out, which must be worn tied around the neck or in a pocket, as long as they are carried on top.

Some people also use salt baths and magic herbs. This is used as a ritual to cleanse and ward off the bad intentions that are destroying you. To carry it out you have to prepare the right environment, light some candles and fill the bathtub with warm water. Afterward, you must have positive and joyous thoughts to attract good luck. Finally, add or spray some of the following ingredients to reinforce the healing power such as salt, hyssop, basil, mugwort, patchouli or wormwood, among others.

Finally, you can also do so by burning incense. These same herbs that have been used to make ritual baths can be burned to have a decouple effect, that is, they break the curse or the spell. It is more effective if most of the herbs are used, since combining them enhances their power. It is very simple, you just have to put them together and tie them with a thread to finish setting them on fire. Once consumed, the effects will be seen. In addition, it is very useful to carry some branches of these plants such as mugwort or hyssop between the clothes, since they have great power to ward off evil spirits.

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