Candle Love Spell To Bind His Love To Yours

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Candle Love Spell To Bind His Love To Yours

If you are a totally controlling woman who distrusts everything and everyone, it is convenient that you cast these love spells using candles so that you can take total control of your man. Most candle spells are very simple because candles represent one of the 4 fundamental elements in white magic- fire; which is a great element of much energy and power and for this reason love spells with candles are very effective and can change your love life.

You will the following materials for the love spells using candles

To perform this kind love spells using candles, you will need:

  • a San Antonio stamp
  • a red candle
  • rose oil
  • and sugar

If you are unable to find rose oil, you can make it by yourself. All you have to do is to place red rose petals in oil and let it macerate for three days.

Here is the procedure for this spell

Write your name and that of the person you love on the San Antonio stamp. Pick the candle and smear rose oil all over it, from the wick to the middle and from the base to the middle of the candle. Place the stamp on a triangle that you have drawn and put the red candle next to it. Sprinkle sugar in the triangle, then light the red candle. As the candle burns, meditate and visualise the man of your life being by your side all the time, unwilling to leave you.

What will this love spells using candles do for you?

This love spells using candles are very easy to perform because the important thing is the intention and the sincere and absolute love that you offer. The spell will help you to attract the person you love, to make him come back to focus on you and become absolutely immersed in the shadows of your love.
To make the love spell more effective, you should imagine your ideal love story, with all possible details; This will help you visualize and have expectations about what you want in your love life, as well as attracting what you think and imagine.

Get in touch with me for details

If you want to know more about other love spells using candles and rituals on my site, you can get in touch with me or simply take your time reading my posts. I have the best rituals to attract money to your life, as well as the best rituals to improve your health. Remember, you own your destiny and in your hands is the power to change it and adapt it to your needs and desires.

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