DIY Love Spell Jar for Valentine’s Day

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DIY Love Spell Jar for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special time of the year dedicated to celebrating love and affection. While there are many ways to show love, performing a love spell can be a unique and personal experience. A love spell jar is a simple and easy way to focus your energy and intention on attracting love and positivity into your life.


Glass jar with a lid
Pink or red candles
Rose petals or rose buds
Love-attracting herbs such as lavender, rose, or jasmine
Pink or red crystals such as rose quartz or garnet
Parchment paper
Pen or marker

Cleanse the jar and candles with sage or palo santo to purify the energy.

Write down your intention for the love spell on the parchment paper. This could be a specific person you want to attract, or simply a desire for love and positivity in your life. Fold the paper and place it inside the jar.
Add the rose petals or rose buds to the jar, symbolizing love and affection.
Sprinkle in the love-attracting herbs, filling the jar with the fragrance of love.
Place the pink or red crystals in the jar, as they are believed to enhance love and romantic energy.
Light the pink or red candle and hold the jar in your hands. Close your eyes and focus on your intention, visualizing the energy of love flowing into the jar and surrounding you. Repeat a love affirmations or chant if desired.

Once you feel complete, blow out the candle and place the lid on the jar. Store the jar in a safe place, such as a bedside table or altar.

Keep the jar and its energy charged by lighting the candle and focusing on your intention every few days. You can also add additional love-attracting herbs or crystals if desired.
In conclusion, a DIY love spell jar is a fun and easy way to bring love and positivity into your life on Valentine’s Day. By focusing your energy and intention on your desired outcome, you can attract the love and happiness you deserve. Remember that love spells are not a guarantee, but rather a tool to help manifest your desires and create a positive energy flow in your life.

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