Effective Tips for First-Timers In Love Witchcraft


Effective Tips for First-Timers In Love Witchcraft

Love spells are a good way to try to improve your love life. If you are a beginner, do not perform any magic with the intention of forcing a specific person to love you. This violates the free will of the person and could be considered black magic, therefore potentially harmful to a beginning witch. If you want to cast a magic spell to heal a family member or friend, let them know first. Otherwise, you could be working against that personโ€™s free will, which is what makes the difference between White Magic and Black Magic.

Secondly, you should have a dedicated sacred space

Find a place at home where you can perform your magic or powerful love spells undisturbed. It should be calm and peaceful. Your workspace will be your altar. This should be a table or any flat surface on which you will organize the tools for the spell you are casting. For example, candles, incense, paper, matches, etc. Usually you will have an altar cloth, as a decoration, as a symbol, or just to protect your altar from spills.

Thirdly, work on your candle love spells

Candle love spells are perfect for beginners. Candles are easy to find and incredibly powerful. Candles are usually anointed or “dressed” with oil before working with them. This is also called “consecrating” the candle and it is a ritual act that charges your candle in alignment with your intentions. As you rub the candle with the oil you have chosen for this spell, you will focus on your goal and visualize yourself having achieved it. Once you light the candle, sit for a few minutes and meditate on whatever you want. Chants, prayers, or affirmations aren’t always necessary, but they can make your spell more powerful. As the candle burns, you say the words and perform whatever ritual act your spell requires.

Stay safe

When you’re done, let the candles burn on their own and, unless the ritual dictates, allow them to burn out completely. As a safety warning, do not leave burning candles unattended. Stay in the same room or blow them away if you have to leave. Certain rituals, such as novenas, require you to turn them off and on again on the following days over a period of several days. Always practice candle safety. It is common to end spells with “So be it”, “Thank you that it is done”, “Amen” or a similar expression. Another good idea is to say “For the good of all stakeholders.” Or “No harm to anyone” to avoid any negative consequences from your love spells casting activities.

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