How To Attract Life Partner Through Law Of Attraction

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How To Attract Life Partner Through Law Of Attraction

Is it possible for one to attract love using his inner energy? Today, I would like to teach you a simple ritual that helps to remove negative energies regarding love and to bring good things into your life, both in love as a couple and in self-love. We are in a date in which love is in the environment and everyone reflects on the subject, finding it, knowing whether or not we are with the right person, and reflecting on how to attract it into our life. That is why I am here today to teach you a simple and effective ritual, to move the energies in our favor and correctly attract love and also the right person with whom we can be happy.

How to attract life partner through law of attraction – first things first

The first thing you must do is create an altar, on which you will put various symbols, in order to create your reality. Some examples can be a figure of Kuan Yin the goddess of love, children and protection, mandarin ducks, which are the ducks of love, and a Tibetan Bowl, since it produces the vibration that moves the dense energy and transforms it into something positive. You can also include a lotus flower that represents flowering and growth. You should also remember that in learning how to attract life partner through law of attraction, the use of incenses is very key and paramount. In this case, Copal incense, this is made of pure resin, and which helps to purify very dense environments. In addition, you can use a bell, which when starting a ritual opens the spaces and the first thing we do is open the sacred space for love and for this we ring the bell, saying

“I open the sacred space of love and everything that enters now it is according to me energetic resonance ”.

How to perform a ritual to attract love

There are few elements that you will need for this ritual, which you will begin by writing on paper, what the couple means to you. “We put a couple on a role and you write, not what you would like to have as a couple, but what it has meant for you to have a partner, it can be abandonment, pain, grief, everything. On another paper you write what love has meant to you ”. These papers will be put on a plate and on them we will put sugar. Before you put the sugar, you are going to take the sugar in your hands, and you are going to recognize it in the universe. You bring it to your mouth, you say “hello sugar, I recognize you and through you I represent the sweetness in the representation that love and a partner have been in my life.” You give three puffs and put a lot of sugar on top of the papers and keep it there for three days”.After the three days, the papers should be burned and given as an offering to the earth, along with the sugar.

Secondly; how to attract you really want

after this step, we are going to integrate the positive, for which you will put two roles, in one what you want the couple to mean for you, and in the other what you want love to mean for you. You will put these on another plate, in which you will add the following ingredients:

  1. Sugar
  2. : You take the handful of sugar and say “hello sugar, I recognize you, welcome to my universe and through you I represent the sweetness in love and the meaning of partner and love for me”, you give three puffs and leave it on.

  3. Rice:
  4. You take a handful of rice and repeat “hello rice, I recognize you, welcome to my universe and through you I represent the growth of my relationship with my partner and love for myself.” Three puffs and you put it on top.

  5. Lentils:
  6. They help you to have greater prosperity in relationships with couples and with yourself in love. You take a handful of lentils and repeat “hello lentils, I recognize you, welcome to my universe and through you I represent the prosperity in the relationship that I have with my partner and with the love for myself.”

All of the above will be kept as far as possible for 40 days. “The last part of the ritual consists of putting a glass of water, with a gold ring inside or something that represents gold for you. Gold represents your own value and with your own value you attract everything you want and you are going to put it on top of everything you did. The water is impregnated with everything you did and every day you leave it for 24 hours. The next day, you drink the water, integrating what love as a couple means and what love means to you. When you drink it, you refill the glass and put it back in and thus, with the water, you are drinking everything you want to integrate into your body, which is 80 percent water”. This is how to attract life partner through law of attraction. If you want more details regarding this, please feel free to consult me.

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