How To Make Effective White Magic Spells for Love

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How To Make Effective White Magic Spells

Many people often wonder whether white magic works or not and there are those also frequently ask about how to make white magic spells. First I would like to clear your doubts regarding the effectiveness of white magic. In commerce, the popularity of a product solely depends on the number of consumers and how long that product has been in the market. White magic was used by our ancestors and was proven effective and powerful. What you now should know is how to make white magic spells.

Know how to make white magic spells and receive massive benefits

Those who have known how to make white magic spells have been able to receive healing, help themselves and help others as well. White magic spells bring light to the world in an edifying way and that is why the spell works so effectively in love, health and money. In creating and conjuring white magic spells, you will have to focus your thoughts and intentions as if you are sending all your energy to the universe. There are as many ways to conjure magical spells as there are people who practice it, but there are some basic guidelines on how to make white magic spells.

How does one start making white magic spells?

If you want to know how to make white magic spells without having to resort to a specialist, then you have come to the right place. You will first need to create a sacred space in your home or your personal space. Find a place where you feel relaxed and calm. Set a small table and cover it with a white cloth. This will serve as an altar for the execution of spells. The color of the cloth can be changed according to the spell to be cast: white magic works in love better with a pink or red cloth, for money it must be green, and to achieve professional goals it must be colored yellow. White represents protection and peace, and is a good color in general.

The next thing is to decide what your intention is

In learning how to make white magic spells, what do you want to achieve? You must be as specific as possible. It is better to say,

“I want clean skin and healthy hair,” than to say, “I want to look better.”

Remember, this is white magic, and its purpose should be for the good of another person or yourself. White magic works when you eliminate any trace of negativity from your thought process.

Light the candles according to the appropriate color for the purpose of the spell

The third thing that those who have already known how to make white magic spells do is to light a candle at the beginning of the spells casting process. This candle must be of the appropriate colour as I have already discussed. Choose herbs, glass, incenses or essential oils to help invoke the appropriate spirits and concentrate the energies. For example, lavender, vanilla and honeysuckle are elements with those who have learnt how to make white magic spells use in casting the said love spells. Alfalfa and cloves are used in friendship spells. A common tool is used to draw the ritual circle is the dagger, but it is never really used to cut anything.

How to make white magic spells: The spell

Write the spell. Give it a name according to what you should do, try to make it rhyme. When you’re done, keep it private, as this keeps the energy focused and prevents any negativity from affecting your work. The spell can be as long or as short as you want. If you are having problems, borrow an old spell. You can find many spells here on my website and the procedures of how to make white magic spells – the same spells!

Decide when to cast your spell. Many people prefer to cast spells when there is a full moon, since that is when there is more energy available to work. However, this is not always convenient. You can cast a spell at any time. However, knowing how to make white magic spells also requires you to know that the most effective time to cast a spell is the full moon. If you would like to know more about how to make white magic spells, you can consult me because here, we are limited by space.

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