How To Make Love Spells With Cigarettes

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How To Make Love Spells With Cigarettes

This love spell with cigarettes works by influencing the person every time you puff out the smoke from your cigarette and say your wish. However, it will work much better if you can get the person to smoke the smoke from your cigarettes. If the subject is a smoker, you can have him or her smoke a cigarette that you have enchanted beforehand, otherwise you will have to blow the smoke in the direction of the person.

Do the following in the process of casting the love spell with cigarettes works

Have an open cigarette pack ready with the filters exposed. Before you smoke the cigarettes, say this sentence:

“O Lord, with the blessing that is in this verse of the Koran, I want the person called … [name of the person] … son / daughter of … [name of the mother if the subject is a man, name of the father if it is a woman] to love meโ€.

After saying the prayer, sing the following verse from the Koran 14 times as you smoke the cigarettes while visualizing the person holding you or lovingly smiling at you. After each song, blow on the cigarettes. Visualize the energy in the form of bright white light that flows with your breath and as it permeates cigarettes. This way you will have to blow at least 14 times.

“Asallaahuanyakuffabaksalladziinakafaruu, wallaahuasyaddubaksauwwaasyaddutankiilaa.”

When you have finished this love spell with cigarettes, the cigarettes are ready to be used. If it pleases God, the person in question will fall madly in love with you and will feel strongly the need to start a relationship with you.

But, remember you need special cigarettes that are loaded with potent powers

Spells casters are trained people who know how to load any object with magic. In the tradition of love spell with cigarettes, there are enchanted cigarettes whose special purpose is to attract love and consolidate love. These cigarettes cannot be found in ordinary, day-to-day stores. You can find them only with professional spells casters. If you have more questions and inquiries regarding these love spell with cigarettes, please do get in touch with me today.

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