If you Love a man, Pray for him


If you love a man pray for him

If you love a man pray for him, because prayer is the only key to success. Men are often exposed to many forms of temptations while at the place of work, at social gatherings and even at church. A man, although married, can become a target of single huntresses and that could ruin your marriage. Through prayers, you can unlock powers to change your man’s personality and safeguard him from the dangers of being seduced by evil women.

Surely, if you love him, you wouldn’t want him to betaken away by another person

Temptations are not the only things that men face. They also get exposed to negative energies – energies that are transferred from one person to another through interaction. For example, if he meets an adulterous woman out there, he will receive the energies of adultery and thereafter, commit adultery. Maybe his male company is a bunch of horny he-goats! Well, do you expect of that? There are also some behaviour that are transmitted by evil spirits and they can catch them. Cheating, telling lies, violence and indifference are some of them. This means that your man can be very vulnerable to many influences. For the above reasons, if you love a man pray for him!

Saying a prayer is like casting a love spell on him

I know when I talk of spells, you might get turned off! But, what is the difference between a love spell and a prayer? There is actually none! A prayer is an invocation to a powerful spiritual being and so is casting a love spell. When you say a prayer, it means that you have admitted how impossible it is to do things alone without divine intervention. And when you cast a love spell, you are calling upon the divine spirits to come to your rescue. if you love a man pray for him or otherwise, cast a love spell on him so that he can love you for eternity.

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