Louisiana Voodoo Magic And Rituals

  • Many people often confuse Louisiana voodoo with Haitian voodoo; however, the two of them are completely inseparable. Louisiana voodoo emphasizes Gris-gris, Li Grand Zombie, hoodoo occult paraphernalia and the use of voodoo queens.
  • In Louisiana voodoo, it is believed that there is one god who presides over all and spirits that are in-charge of people’s daily lives.
  • Louisiana voodoo is here to serve suffering human beings and influence and change their lives by connecting them with the spirits of the ancestors, the voodoo gods and nature.

Louisiana Voodoo Magic And Rituals

Louisiana voodoo, which is also sometimes referred to as “New Orleans Voodoo” is a religious practice whose origins can be traced back to the traditions of the black Africans in the white man’s world. It is one of those Afro-American religious practices that arose from within the Creole Speaking population of African-Americans in Louisiana, the French speakers and the Spanish minority in the state. In it, one can see an incarnation of African-based spirituality that originated from West Africa. All through the history of religion and Christianity, Louisiana voodoo has been concretising with the Francophone culture of Louisiana and Catholicism.

Is Louisiana voodoo different from Haitian voodoo?

Many people often confuse Louisiana voodoo with Haitian voodoo; however, the two of them are completely inseparable. Louisiana voodoo emphasizes Gris-gris, Li Grand Zombie, hoodoo occult paraphernalia and the use of voodoo queens. This is what actually makes it different from other types of voodoo magic. Did you know that terms like “voodoo dolls” and “gris-gris” voodoo came into the American culture through Louisiana voodoo? Well, one other thing you should also know is that this type of voodoo came into the French Colony of Louisiana during the era of colonialism.

Here’s is what the followers of Louisiana voodoo believe in

In Louisiana voodoo, it is believed that there is one god who presides over all and spirits that are in-charge of people’s daily lives. In addition, the religion also believes that there are spiritual forces that intercede for us and shape our lives. In order to get connected with these spirits, believers sing and dance. They also use snakes, which stand for Papa Legba, a spirit that offers connection to all other spirits in the world of voodoo. Unlike the cross that we see in Christianity, the voodoo serpent is a symbol of healing knowledge. The dead ancestors can also intercede on the behalf of those who believe in voodoo.

So what is the main focus of this voodoo religion?

Louisiana voodoo is here to serve suffering human beings and influence and change their lives by connecting them with the spirits of the ancestors, the voodoo gods and nature. In Louisiana voodoo, rituals of invocation are carried out behind closed doors, with one sole purpose: to invoke the gods and spirits to come and help a suffering human soul. Practitioners of voodoo usually do this through personal ceremonies or rituals, prayer, specially devised diets, spiritual baths and readings. Are you sick, poor, hungry or lovelorn? Do you want help from the gods? Louisiana voodoo could help change your life.

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