Love Spell To Make Him Call Me In TEN Minutes


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Love Spell To Make Him Call Me In TEN Minutes

Fast working love spell to make him call me. Are you tired of waiting for the call or message from that special someone? If he told you that he was going to contact you and he still has not done it or not, he stopped talking to you overnight, try this infallible love spell to make him call me in 10 minutes. These powerful rituals will make your loved one or partner contact you immediately. They will answer your call or your messages even though they have fought or for some reason they have stopped answering your phone calls. It also helps make that person you like to take the initiative to start a conversation on the phone.

The best love spell to make him call me

This love spell to make him call me is easy but very powerful. To do this, white magic is used, a positive energy that works from the purity of love. So there is no danger or negative effect and it is ideal to practice at home. What this spell will cause is that it will make that person to quickly pick up their cell phone and dial your number as if their life depends on it. Even if they are busy, working, studying or doing any activity; they will immediately rush for the phone and call you as soon as you want him or her to.

Materials required for the casting of this spell

  • A sheet of paper.
  • A red pen or marker (represents love).
  • An image of an angel or a bird (works as a messenger).

Steps to follow

As you begin this love spell to make him call me, this is what you will do. Using the red pen or marker, draw the figure of an angel or bird on the sheet of paper. It does not have to be a perfect drawing, but it must have a similar shape. When you finish drawing, hold the paper with your left hand and say the following:

“I ask for the intervention and permission of the elements air, water, fire and earth, to invoke their power and that the love and attention of (name of the person you want to call you in 10 minutes) be placed on me, that he will call me to maintain a relationship with me. Help me get this message across “

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When you finish reciting the prayer, write the name of your loved one at the bottom of the drawing and place your signature under their name. Grab the sheet of paper with both of your hands. Then close your eyes and start imagining that special someone. Visualize and focus on the details of their appearance: face, eyes, hair. Once you have created the image of that person in your mind, imagine your cell phone receiving a call with their name. Mentally close your eyes and start thinking about that person. Finally, fold the paper with the drawing and store it inside a book or notebook. Make sure no one sees that paper until your loved one rings your phone. When you get the call, open the drawing and give the leaf a kiss, feeling grateful to the universe for fulfilling your wish. If you would like to know more about this love spell to make him call me, contact me now.

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    What You Want Him/Her To Do

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