Powerful Love Spells To Say through words

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Powerful Love Spells To Say

Effective love spells to say – the ones you can simply pronounce by the words of your lips and your love problems will become history. These are spells that involve the use of words, incantations and pronouncements. The power of the word can never be underestimated. One of my favourite authors in the Bible – James – says that the tongue is capable of setting a forest on fire! Whatever you say bears magic in it, especially if it is loaded with intense emotions and feelings.

These powerful love spells to say use special words that are loaded with magic

Before I publish my love spells to say, I carry out rituals and make offerings to gods of love so that these very words are impregnated with magic. They are so powerful that the moment you pronounce them, they will transmit powerful energies bearing your intentions and carry them over to the person you would like to put the spell on. But, do not ever get these love spells to say anybody. There are professional seers and psychics from whom you can obtain great help.

Here are some powerful love spells to say

1. Love spell to say – to find love: for this spell, you will need the photo of your loved one, a red candle made in the shape of a man and a woman conjoined, a red piece of cloth and a red string.

Light the candle and the incense and while the said are burning; say the following incantation aloud, 75 time:

“Ilahi, rahum takum tukum
Nina biwundu roho yum
Talma Selma bi robo sakat (mention the name of the person)”

After the candle has fully burnt out, collect its remains and wrap them, together with the photo of your lover, in a red piece of cloth. Tie the package and take it and bury it under a rose tree.

Powerful love spell to say to restore lost love

The pain of separation is so intense that it wrecks havoc in the lives of many people. If you are suffering because you have separated with someone you love, this powerful love spell to say is particularly yours:

For this spell, you will still the photo of the person who has abandoned you, your own photo, honey, incense and three red candles. As you begin the spell, think hard about the person you want back into your life. Then place the three red candles in the form of a triangle. Smear honey on the face of your photo and also on the face of the photo of your lover. Join the two photos together from the wetted surfaces and place them in the middle of the three burning candles.

Light the candles and incense and as they burn, say the following love spells to say:

“rakata sakata bukutu bakata
Siyaya semi samba susu sili
Sokolo mongae bino bolingo
Mandareno (Your name) na (the name of your lost lover)
Solimo salem salaam baaaa!”

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