Powerful Voodoo Love Spell With Hair

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Powerful Voodoo Love Spell With Hair

Love spell with hair has its roots in voodoo, which is an ancient religious practice that was born hundreds of years ago in Africa and India. Love spells with hair have gained much fame throughout the world due to its great effectiveness and the strong belief that it is the best way to attract love to your life or recover it, if you have lost it. Its effectiveness has been achieved because over the years, voodoo practitioners around the world have managed to distill solid knowledge in performing these rituals and love spells. Currently these rituals and love spell with hair are very common across many circles in the world.

How to make an effective love spell with hair

Today, there are many variants of this love spell with hair and some are simpler than others. But in the end what reinforces its effectiveness is the faith and intention with which you perform them. In this article I will share the three love spells with the most common hair that exist today.

Love Spell with Hair to recover lost love

When we lose the person we love, we go through a very difficult situation and do not see how to make that person we love so much return to our arms. It is very common to feel hurt, desperate and lost about what you have to do after losing the love of the person you like.

If that has already happened to you, do not worry because I have a solution here. I will explain how to make a love spell with hair that can help you recover the love of your life. For this, you will need:

  • Two red candles
  • Wooden pencil
  • Rose Oil
  • Golden thread
  • Lavender
  • Red Cloth Bag
  • Strands of hair (one of yours and one of the person you love)


  1. Take the two red candles and on one of them, write your full name and on the other the full name of the person you want to recover.
  2. Take some rose oil and rub it on your fingers.
  3. Once this is done, smear the oil from your fingers both at the top and bottom of each of the candles and at the end light them.
  4. Take the candle in which you wrote the name of the person you love and say the following phrase “With the power of the elements, I baptize (name of your loved one) as my eternal lover” and proceed to do the same with another candle but now using your name.
  5. Take the first candle again and repeat the procedure again but this time saying the following phrase “I baptize you with the power of the four elements (name the person you love)”.
  6. Then do the same with the candle that has your name.
  7. After this, place the candles, as close as possible between them, on a table where no one touches or sees them for nine days.
  8. Use the golden thread and tie the two candles firmly in half.
  9. Take some lavender (preferably the flower of the plant) along with the strands of hair, both yours and those of the person you love, and put them inside the red cloth bag.
  10. Take another piece of golden thread and close the bag by tying it with nine knots.
  11. Take the bag in your hands and place it in front of the already lit candles.
  12. Repeat the following phrase nine times while you visualize yourself next to the person you love: “Our love and passion will burn together like the flames of these candles.”
  13. This step is the most important because it is here that you will be invoking the spell, that is why when you repeat this phrase you must do it with a lot of Faith, conviction and feeling.
  14. Once all this is done, make sure to blow out the candles with your fingertips and store them in a place where nobody has access to them.
  15. You should always keep the cloth bag with you even when you go to sleep.
  16. This will cause the person you love to start surrendering to the spell and start thinking and dreaming about you, until eventually he returns with you.


Love is one of the most beautiful things in the world. When we fall in love, we want to do everything for that person and it is an experience that we want to live forever. Everything changes around us and we are able to do whatever it takes to have that special person by our side. Unfortunately, in some occasions we are in need of a little push to find or attract that person we like next to us.

For this I am going to teach you a very simple and powerful love spell with hair, which you can do every month to sweeten that special person so that he will never want to take off from you.

To perform this simple but effective love spell with hair you will need the following:

  • Fresh honey
  • Transparent container with lid.
  • Strand of hair of the person you love.
  • Tuft of your hair
  • 10 candies (your partner’s favorites!)


  1. Pour the honey into the transparent container and insert a strand of your partner’s hair together with your strand of hair.
  2. Take a clean spoon and start stirring the contents until they are well submerged.
  3. Once you have done the above, you should close your eyes, place your hands on the bowl and say a prayer of love mentioning all the good things you want to attract in your relationship.
  4. While doing this, you should concentrate and visualize in detail those special moments that you would like to enjoy with your partner or those things that you would like to solve in your relationship.
  5. All this energy will be supernaturally directed to the universe, using the spell inside the vessel as an intermediary.
  6. At the end of the prayer you, will have to open the container again and put the 10 favorite candies of your partner into it.
  7. Stir the whole mixture again and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  8. After a while, you should take the container out of the refrigerator and store it in a place where no one can find it and where no one knows of its existence.

Once the spell is over you should only pay attention to those small details that will indicate that the love spell with hair is taking effect. Normally you should notice that your partner is more affectionate and loving than usual. As I told you at the beginning, this spell can be performed every time you think it is necessary if you see that your relationship needs that little push.

Contact me if you have questions about these love spell with hair

I hope these love spell with hair have been helpful. If you already have a partner, remember to take care of him or her and try to keep him or her from leaving you. n the same note, if you think you can’t cast these spells successfully, contact me now so I can guide you on how to cast a love spell with hair.

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