Prayer for marriage under attack


Prayer for marriage under attack

A prayer for marriage under attack, when said with faith, will surely disband all those forces that are threatening to tear your marriage apart. In the modern world, there are many external forces that usually wreak havoc in marital affairs. The very first of them is the influence by third parties. Secondly, not everyone is happy to see you enjoy a blissful relationship. In a bid to fail your marriage, they can use witchcraft and many other magical techniques to cause a separation or break up. But, you do not have to worry because you can seek divine intervention for solutions. It is in such situations that a prayer for marriage under attack is recommended.

A prayer for marriage under attack will attract powerful forces that will help remove all the problems in your marriage

Many people do not believe in prayer and the existence of supernatural beings. This unbelief has been orchestrated by the advancements in science and technology. Since science has solutions for almost everything, except death; many have taken solace in scientific interventions. However, you should also know that your lack of belief in the works of the supernatural does not mean that these powers do not exist. There are thousands of faithful believers in the power of the deities, spirits and supreme beings. These are people who know when their marriage is under attack, they just have to turn to a deity and say a prayer for marriage under attack to get rid of such attacks.

Here is a simple prayer for marriage under attack

Use this prayer for marriage under attack when your marriage is facing many trials and tribulations caused by external forces.

“Through you the blessed dominator and Mother of Love and marriages. You who holds the keys to the gates of happiness and success. You who treads on serpents and crashes the scorpions with your shoes of justice. Every creature bows down when they behold your radiance. You are the greatest of all and the most awesome goddess ever.
Mother Superior, I come before you, heavy laden with the weight of suffering. Enemies are all around me. Their attacks on my marriage are almost becoming fatal. Mother Dominator, restrain their attacks and keep their claws of envy as far as possible from my marriage. Bind their ill-wills against my marriage using your spirited fire. Make them bear the weight of suffering as I have equally done.
Blessed Mother, there is nothing as great as the power you wield over lives. May you live forever, to protect me, to protect my marriage and bless all my endeavours. So be it! AMEN”

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