Short Prayer for Love, Money, Employment and Prosperity

Open heart-shaped bottle of red, bubbling, smoking, love potion on a black background

Short Prayer for Love, Money, Employment and Prosperity

A short prayer for love – the one that is as effective as a powerful love spell. Those of you who come to this website will often know that I repeat insistently that the universe always wants us to be happy. This is the only reason for our existence on this plane, to know the material, the physical and to be happy. And with the passage of time I have verified hundreds of times that it is only a matter of wanting something, insisting and not giving up, so that what you want is always, always, fulfilled..

I have personally said this short prayer for love many times and benefited from it

Not long ago, about 10 years ago, with the economic crisis, my financial situation was terrible, with debts that I could not pay, with the inability to even pay for an apartment. I had to turn to relatives on more than one occasion until one day I realized that I had the key to change my life. And this change of mind came from a sentence I read: No one gets things wrong for too long, with no part of the blame. Upon reading that, I decided to totally change my approach, and as I always say, to do that, two actions are necessary (I know that I get tiresome, always repeating the same thing): Control zone: make changes in our life so that this change appears as quickly as possible. Ask the universe to grant us what will allow us to be happy in our lives

Short prayer for love and to attract money, work and prosperity

The first thing is to stop believing the phrases that have always been said to us since childhood:

  • Money doesn’t rain from the sky
  • Money corrupts
  • Money is only the fruit of those who work hard
  • Money does not give happiness

These are all negative phrases about money. Money itself is not bad, money is only the exchange tool for you to enjoy some goods and services. As Chris Rock says: “Pistols are not bad, what is bad are bullets”. So the first thing is to open ourselves up to making money and get rid of this stupid old idea that money is bad. You must be receptive to having money, you must want to have money, enjoy it and wish to be able to help your family and your community with your money. If you do that, the first step is done, now the universe knows that it can give you money. Finally, a short prayer for love, money and prosperity will then help you to unlock all these benefits.

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