St. Michael Love Prayer For Him To Think Of Me

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St. Michael Love Prayer For Him To Think Of Me

When we fall in love with someone, we want that person to think of us throughout the day. We want to be the center of their attention but we do not know how to achieve it. Do not worry because with love prayers that work, that man is going to think of you throughout the day. There is no thought ABOUT you that will get you out of that head. Love can become a problem at some point, but the love prayers that work will help you to be in his thoughts forever. The St Michael prayer is the most famous love prayer that works for him to think of me all day long. This prayer will allow you to be more attractive to a man and make him see you as the most beautiful woman in the world. So, if you want to know how to send him a strong signal of love for him to think about you throughout the day, then you will have to use the St Michael prayer.

How to Pray the St. Michael Prayer to make you be on his mind all the time?

“Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Keep from his mind all vain thoughts, and instil into his heart a love of God and the things of God; make his mind be full of my image and the peace I give him.”

How to say the St Michael prayer for General Protection?

One should begin the prayer by lighting a candle in front of the icon or picture of St. Michael and then praying the following lines: “Saint Michael, the mighty Archangel defend us in battle.” After saying this line, one should continue by saying: “Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.” The next step is to say: “May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.” The final step in this prayer is to kneel down and ask God to bless your relationship and your life as a whole. Then, one should kiss the icon or the picture of the Archangel and close their eyes and start saying the prayer again. Repeat this process for as long as you feel is necessary.

What to do after you say the St Michael Prayer?

After you have said your prayer, you should look towards the icon and pray to the Lord once more asking him to send his blessings upon you so that your relationship with the man you want to marry will grow stronger and healthier each day. Finish off by kissing the icon and putting the candle out. After that, you should make a wish and remember to keep it safe. The wish to come true should not be too broad or unclear because the archangel will only help those whose requests are specific and attainable. As promised by the Archangel himself, if you are sincere in your prayer and have faith that your prayers will be answered, you will not be disappointed. Nothing is impossible when you believe in yourself and the power of the Archangel. The wish you have made should also help you stay positive and motivated while waiting for the answers to your prayers to manifest themselves. Be patient and do not give up hope. Miracles happen every day you just have to keep your eyes open for them.

What if the man I love does not love me back?

If after saying the St Michael prayer he does not feel the same attraction for you, this does not mean that nothing is going to happen. It just means that the prayer you performed wasn’t properly directed well enough. In this case, contact me through this link for help.

What if my relationship is already on the rocks and I am afraid it is heading for a break-up?

At this point, the best thing to do is to pray again to the Archangel and ask him to be with you through your difficult time so that he can give you some guidance and help you make the right decisions which will help you keep your relationship intact and thriving. However, if you find yourself still in need of help do not hesitate to contact me through this link for assistance.

Testimonials from those who have used the St Michael Prayer

St Michael’s Prayer helped me with my husband so much that I ended up getting pregnant the first time I tried! I am a believer and I know that our prayers are always heard by God which is why I believe that he has granted me my dream family.” – Patricia Wyatt

I used this prayer for my boyfriend and I have only been dating for a little over two months now. We went on our first date three days after I used this prayer and we have been inseparable ever since. Our feelings for each other have grown stronger and stronger with every passing day and now I can’t imagine ever being without him in my life!” – Morgan Davis

I decided to try the St. Michael prayer to help fix my relationship with my girlfriend who I had been with for three years before we broke up two months ago. I wanted us to get back together so bad, but the more time that passed, the less I thought we were ever going to work out. When I saw your advertisement for the St. Michael prayer, I decided to give it a try since I had nothing to lose. I am so glad that I did because this prayer has worked wonders for us! We have started seeing each other again and I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with this amazing prayer!!” – Michael Carter

Other Love prayers that work addressed to Saint Michael

You have to entrust this prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel so that he, with his powerful blue ray, helps you to dominate that person forever and to stay with you, to think of you throughout the day and throughout the night. Below is the prayer.

“Mighty Saint Michael, prince of heaven and darkness, warrior of all the angels and archangels of heaven, today I approach you and put my heart in your hands to ask you a favor. I want you to help me to always be in the mind of (name of the loved one) I need to be in his memories, to be the solution to all his problems, that I am the only one who can heal his wounds.
You know what love is because you fought to save Jesus our Lord, I know that you take care of me, I know that you fill me with love, and I know that you will help me, I ask you to please intercede for me, to give me your mercy, Your help, Archangel Michael, I am thirsty for your love and I want you to help me quench that thirst.
I want you to please create ties between us, as strong as storms, as big as the sun, as beautiful as rainbows, as abundant as stars, that the love we feel is strong and true and that he will always and always think of me .
I want my man to be loyal, that he will love only me, no one but me and only me, help me so that (name of the person) loves me please Michael, that he loves me, that he wants me, that he looks at me with love, that he thinks of me every day of his life, that in every hour I shall be in his main memory. I want to be his only love.
Help me to touch his heart little by little and to remain in him for a long time, help me to make him understand that I am his love, his only love, and that no one makes him happier than me. Go to his side and please Michael, whisper to him that I love him, that I love him too much and that I will be with him all my life. Thank you and so be it, AMEN.”

This is one of the most effective love prayers that work online. It is almost like a substitute to a spell. Many have said it and it works. If you would like to consult me on this subject, please use the form below.


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