Easy Blood and Honey Love Spells That Work Fast


The easy blood and honey love spell that works fast

Easy blood and honey love spell will make that person you love to always be by your side and be happy forever. Honey is a sweet nectar that is obtained from bee hives through different processes. It is very tasty to eat and is used in many preparations. So, this is what we all know about honey right? But, what if, I tell you that love spells are often fused with honey. Yes love spells with honey will bring sweet love effects into your relationship.

Honey is very effective when used in love charms

Since honey bears a resemblance of the female hood as it is only produced by female bees, therefore honey is used in love charms where a female needs to be attracted or bought back or attracted for the relationship. Proper use of honey in a love spell will give quick results and strong results. Below is some easy blood and honey love spell that uses honey that you can cast. Use it so that you can make your dreams to come true.

The first easy blood and honey love spell to bring back an ex girlfriend

To bring back your girlfriend, you need:

  • her photo and some used cloth or hair from her.
  • Put the hair in the image and then wrap the image with your used cloth,
  • then pour honey on the cloth so that the cloth is made wet with honey.
  • Put it in a glass jar and sing the following incantation three times and place the jar near your window.
  • Someday, the image will begin to dissolve and when the image dissolves your girlfriend will come back to you.

“Dissolve and solve. Bring her back to me and may it be sweet as honeyโ€

The easy blood and honey love spell for sexual pleasure

This spell is used to gain more sexual pleasure from your woman.
You will need:

  • a red female or feminine candle.
  • Light it up and take some honey in a glass jar, heat the honey in the candle flame.
  • Then mix two drops of olive oil, a drop of rose water and a pinch of sandalwood powder on it.
  • Put this portion on your woman’s lips or on any of your private part if you can and the person will start having a craving for more and more sex with you every day.

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