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Pomba Gira prayer/oracion prayer to Maria Padilha To Bring Ex Love Back

Dear Pomba Gira, queen of the seven crossroads, I ask you approach …..(mention name)…. And start making him think about me. Do not ever give him rest of thought until he communicates to me. By the presence of fire, by the inspiration of the air, by the virtues of the waters, I call upon the thirteen blessed souls. By the forces of bleeding hearts and the tears shed for love, bring his spirit to me. Spin his head, make him crazy about me and increase his passion for me. Make him love only me when he returns and make him to always be horny and obsessed with. So be it.

This prayer must be said for seven days in a row

While in the comforts of a secret place in your home, say the prayer above for seven days in a row. On the last day, give an offering to Pomba Gira of the seven crossroads. This will help strengthen the outcome of the spell and even make it stronger. The moment you say this prayer, the outcome of the spell will not be easy to undo. If you have the opportunity, I request that you come to this page to share the graces you have achieved with Pomba Gira love spell prayer.


Immediately Restore your love by saying this prayer

Do not think your boyfriend or girlfriend has gone forever. There is still hope when you use this powerful Pomba Gira prayer. That miracle will happen and your loved one will come back to you. Many people have said this prayer and have received their miracles. When you say this prayer with faith, your lover will come and love you like before. This time, nothing will come to stop your relationship again. Your love will be revived and it will last forever.

Power of the Pomba Gira Prayer/ Oracion to Maria Padilha

This Pomba Gira prayer/oracion is a very powerful love spell that works. Maria Padilha is a very powerful entity through which many prayers can be channeled. Many times, people have said prayers that worked to restore love, undo spells and solve health problems through her. There are many prayers that are usually said through her and they serve different purposes. Today, I bring to you a Pomba Gira love spell prayer to bring your love back.

Another powerful prayer is Saint Cipriano Prayer below

San Cipriano Prayer
San Cipriano Prayer is a very powerful prayer for amongst other things bringing back lost lovers, attracting love and binding your love.

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    What You Want Him/Her To Do

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