Simple Love Spells Cast Using Water Works Immediately


Simple Love Spells Cast Using Water

Simple love spells using water – Since the beginning of time, water has had a magical role in the life of the human being.

For example, the first life cell originated in it.

In addition to that fact, 11 living species on the planet need water to live. That is why it is said that water is a source of life. Not only is water considered magical, but it is also scientifically considered one of the most vital elements, due to its many properties such as the already known: “water memory”.

What are simple love spells with water?

The magical conception of water has been recognized throughout human history in diverse cultures which speak of it as containing the “elemental beings of water”. These elements are the guardians, nymphs and fairies that inhabit wells or streams and take care of its waters.

Through these elements, many simple love spells have often been performed. The spiritual force of this element is almost always valued.

In ancient science, water was regarded as one of the four primary elements that constitute the foundation of the earth. Even today, water is still given a high spiritual value,

for example, in the rituals of the Catholic church water is used to bless and sanctify various elements. Muslims use it to wash and purify themselves before performing their rituals and Prayers. The Hindus are baptized with water and give their bodies upon death to the Ganges River.

Now I present before you simple love spells with water

Just like the various categories of people mentioned above, there are several practitioners of magic who know the incredible power that this harmonious liquid keeps in its spirit and in the spirits that keeps it, since the spirit of the water does not walk alone. These benevolent beings do great things to those who give them the place and respect they deserve. That is why many magicians and sorcerers use this liquid to perform various simple love spells using water.


    In a drop of water is the same content of the whole sea. In a drop of water, there could be your feelings and that of your loved one. When deciding to perform simple effective love spells with water, there must already be a mutual collaboration between you and your lover.

    If you are currently having marital problems and believe that your relationship is in danger, this simple love spells with water can save it, as long as you both believe that it is best for both of you.

    This spell must be performed at the seashore, preferably barefoot and on a full moon night so that the moonlight also illuminates your desires. Take your partner’s hand and say this at the same time:

    “We wish that everything bad and the negative will vanish from the path of the two of us. There will be no more problems between (…..and… say your names) nor will there be difficulties that we cannot overcome. Our lives will be united forever, nothing and no one can separate us only God, in our word is the power, it must be so and so it will be ”.

    After the prayer, you must enter the sea and dip yourselves in and out for seven consecutive times. If you notice that the effects of the simple love spells are strong and effective, you can repeat it every year but instead of saying the same prayer, you can make a prayer of thanks to God, to the Moon, the spirit of the water and all the spiritual beings that live with it.

  2. Collect water from a natural site like a well, a river, a lake can or a spring and put in a clear glass bottle. I do not recommend seawater as it is salty and may reduce the effectiveness of the love spell. Place the glass bottle in a place where you can receive sunlight all day. Leave the bottle overnight until midnight the next day.

    It is very important that this love spell be performed on clear moon nights.

    • Remove the bottle with water and store it in a dark place.
    • The next day when the moon rises again, take it out and leave it there until twelve o’clock the next day. You keep it in a dark place again and repeat this same procedure for the third time.
    • In the morning of the fourth day, stare at the moon for five minutes and convey positive thoughts and feelings. Show him what your good wishes are. Remember that this water has the energy of the moon and the sun inside. Remember also that your spirit is a living being surrounded by benevolent spiritual beings who want to help you only if your intention is pure.
    • When you are with the beloved person, make him or her to drink some of that water mixed with a refreshing drink. With just one shot, it is enough to arouse their interest and affection towards you. But if you can give it again or even all, its effect will be stronger and more effective.
  4. This simple love spells with water is very old, simple, known and beautiful. Each culture has given it a different name but the dynamics are the same. In some cases, they have changed details and added objects to change their energy.

    I recommend that you do it in the traditional way to maintain the greatest possible harmony.

    This love spell with water consists of filling a glass with drinking water and taking it to the place where you normally sleep. I recommend that you do not change your bedroom constantly so that the spirit of the water feels your energy concentrated in that space, place it next to your bed and cover it with a handkerchief so that the water does not get dirty.

    The glass with water should rest by your side all night. The next morning, as soon as you wake up, you must observe the water, greet it and ask it to transmit your thoughts to the person you adore. While doing this, imagine only nice things about how you yearn to be next to that person all the time and drink all the water in the glass in seven drinks.

    As you pass the water through your throat, think strongly and faithfully about the relationship you want to have with the person you are interested in. If there is water left in the glass you can leave it there and at night you finish filling it with new water in the glass. Repeat this procedure for seven nights in a row.

Simple love spells with water are the best spells

It should be noted that the beauty of this simple love spells is that you will not bind the person to be with you against his or her will, but rather send a psychic message that will make this person think more often about you, start calling you and visiting you. Once that person comes into your life, it will be up to you to put the finishing touches on your personality and good treatment for your relationship to last.

However, the simple love spells with water work only if your intentions are pure

As I told you at the beginning of the article, there are other variants of these simple love spells with water, which make use of photographs and other objects to make the spells stronger.

However, I do not recommend you do this since the additional elements can disturb the spirit of the water because it would be obvious that your intention is to want to bend the will of the person you are interested in.

I can only remind you that the spirit of water can be a great ally and be willing to help you as long as your intentions are good and pure. Contact me if you are interested in these simple love spells with water and many others that you can access from my site.

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